On the Preparatory Forms of Contract Fraud Crime 关于合同诈骗罪的预备形态
Study on Preparatory Discontinuance of Crime 犯罪预备论预备中止问题研究
If the criminal group organized by the actor has not committed the premeditated crime for non-purpose reasons, the actor becomes the one-sided organizing criminal of the preparatory crime. 如果行为人用暗示的方法组织的犯罪集团因意志以外的原因而未能实施预谋的犯罪,则该行为人成为预谋犯罪预备犯的片面组织犯。
Besides, accomplished offender, unaccomplished offender and preparatory crime has respective form of legal interest infringement, and different forms of legal interest infringement exist in the same stage of commission of a crime owing to the difference of criminal type. 另外,既遂犯、未遂犯和预备犯的法益侵犯形态也都各不相同,即使是同一犯罪阶段形态内部,也都因为犯罪类型的不同而有不同的法益侵犯形态。
Probe into the Punishing Principle and the Range of the Preparatory Crime 预备犯处罚的原则和范围探讨
Objective and subjective aspects of the preparatory phase is not harmful to suspend should not be considered a crime. 主客观方面危害性不大的预备阶段的中止,不应视为犯罪。
In the judicial practice, there are the cases in which the preparatory crime is condemned. 在司法实践中,处罚预备犯的案例的确存在。
When it comes to the unpunishable criminal impossibility," unpunishable "means that it will not be punished as unaccomplished offence, and it is not totally free from the punishment. If it accords with preparatory crime, it should be punished as the preparatory crime. 我们主张不可罚的不能犯,不罚,是指不作为未遂犯处罚,但并不是完全的不罚,对于构成预备犯的应按照预备犯定罪处罚。